In the vast world of voiceover, there exist few steadfast rules. Each day brings forth a
new perspective, a fresh insight, and a different approach to the craft. It's an industry
where guidance can vary greatly from one mentor to another, where whats deemed
right one moment might be seen differently the next. However, amidst this sea of
subjectivity, there's one principle that I firmly stand by: every script, without exception,
deserves a smile.
Rule number one in my book? Always infuse your delivery with a smile. Whether the
script calls for joy or sorrow, speed or leisure, volume or hush, let a smile grace your
voice. In our profession, there's a phrase we often toss around: "I can hear that smile."
And it couldn't be more accurate. You see, I don't need to see you to discern whether
you're smiling as you speak. A smile has this remarkable ability to transcend mere
sound waves; it adds a layer of warmth and authenticity to your delivery, elevating it to
new heights.
Picture this: you're behind the mic, ready to breathe life into the words on the page. You
may not realize it, but as you grin, your voice takes on a subtle sparkle, a twinkle that
captivates listeners' ears. It's as if your enthusiasm and positivity seep through the
airwaves, wrapping around your audience like a comforting embrace.
So, my fellow voice artists, keep those pearlies polished and proudly on display. Let
your smile be your secret weapon, your sonic signature that sets you apart in a crowded
field. Whether you're narrating a children's story, delivering a corporate message, or
voicing a character in a video game, infuse every syllable with the warmth of a genuine
In a profession where rules can be as fluid as the scripts we bring to life, let this be one
constant: always smile. After all, in the world of voiceover, a smile truly speaks volumes.